Can Garlic Cure Acne?

Acne is a skin ailment characterised by inflammation and which may have a bacterial origin. According to scientific research, garlic has strong anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. Acne could potentially be treated thanks to these characteristics. To date, however, garlic's purported anti-acne properties have not been the subject of any rigorous scientific inquiry. Nonetheless, it has been the subject of research that has revealed its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities. Acne could be controlled and treated with the aid of these qualities. One 2014 study found that garlic has components that can stop the spread of germs and fungi. Therefore, the authors propose that garlic may be useful in the treatment of some skin problems. They don't, however, address the question of whether or not garlic can actually be used to effectively cure acne. Molecular messengers called proinflammatory cytokines are responsible for triggering inflammation. According to a study, they may contribute to the formation of acne. In a lab environment, researchers in 2013 showed that allicin inhibited the synthesis of inflammatory cytokines. The allicin concentration in garlic, which is responsible for its anti-inflammatory benefits, decreases when the garlic is heated, as was found in the study. It was determined that allicin showed promise as a therapeutic agent for inflammatory illnesses. They did not, however, specify whether or not it would aid in the treatment of acne. Doris Day, M.D., a dermatologist in New York City and author of 100 Questions and Answers About Acne, says, "It might help." The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of garlic may be useful. Assistant professor of dermatology at NYU Marie Leger, M.D., Ph.D., disagrees. She responds, "I don't think it's a smart idea," after remarking that, "people are always attempting to spread food on their skin in my experience." She warns that garlic might trigger a case of contact dermatitis, which can manifest as a rash with scaly patches and blisters. Even if you're not allergic to garlic, you could experience this reaction anyway, and it might leave "brown stains that take months to go away," as she puts it. Although some people may not have any adverse reactions to using garlic on their face, there are certainly more effective methods of dealing with acne.

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