Study: Depression untreated may increase dementia risk

According to the WHO, dementia is the seventh biggest cause of mortality globally. Around 55 million individuals worldwide are estimated to be afflicted by this illness, which has far-reaching consequences for their health and happiness. Since dementia currently has no treatment options, preventing it is crucial. Multiple studies have indicated that melancholy increases the risk of developing dementia. Therefore, it may be advantageous to avoid depression by receiving therapy for it as soon as possible. A study examining the correlation between depression in older adults and cognitive decline was published in Biological Psychiatry by researchers at Fudan University in Shanghai, China. Dementia risk was also calculated for individuals with varying degrees of depressed symptoms and for those who had received therapy for depression. The study's analysis revealed that depressed study participants were 51% more likely to acquire dementia than their nondepressed counterparts. Patients who sought therapy for their depression had a 26% reduced risk of developing dementia compared to those who did not. Also, please elucidate your prior efforts. Differences in efficacy amongst depression treatment programmes may account for the insufficiency of prior simulated research. The evidence is mixed on whether depression precedes dementia as a symptom or acts as a risk factor in its own right. As a result, we must take care in how we interpret the association between depression and dementia. According to the specialists, clinical depression may increase the likelihood of developing dementia, while dementia itself may exacerbate depressive symptoms in the elderly.

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